Our Assistant Manager, Madeleine, contemplates the delicious possibilities!

Christmas is fast approaching – but wait! Have you bought your tutor their Christmas present yet? If not, never fear, Titanium Tutors is here to help you pick the best last-minute present for your tutor. Luckily for you there is one kind of gift which is fairly safe and can be sourced at short notice: chocolate. We’ve created a list of the best chocolates to get for your various types of tutors: so be they a Maths tutor, a Historian or a Scientist, we’ve got it covered.
Maths Tutors – Toblerone
Everyone knows that mathematicians love to be surrounded by people and things which remind them of their dearly beloved Maths – so what better chocolate to give them on Christmas morning than a Toblerone? When you think about it, a Toblerone is the chocolate embodiment of Maths. A mathematician could spend hours admiring the geometric beauty of all of those triangles, and apply Pythagoras’ theorem to figure out the angles of the delicious chocolate they are about to eat before literally consuming a geometric shape. What more could they want?
History Tutors – Lindt
Historians basically live in the past, and as a result they love old things with plenty of stories behind them. We’ve therefore deduced that the optimum chocolate to gift to a Historian is none other than Lindt. With origins dating back to 1836, Lindt is one of the oldest chocolate companies in Europe. As soon as your History tutor reads the words “Established 1836” on their Lindt chocolate wrapper, they will instantly be filled with gratitude for the fact that you have given them a priceless antique for Christmas. You can thank us later.
Ancient Greek Tutors – Heroes
Achilles, Hercules, Perseus… If you play your cards right this Christmas then your Ancient Greek tutor will not only be dreaming about the Greek heroes of yore but about something just as exciting – chocolate. And the best way to achieve this is to supplement their love of Greek Heroes with a love of Cadbury’s Heroes. Odysseus? I think you mean Whispa. Jason? He was no match for the Twirl. One bite of a Cadbury’s Hero and they’ll realise that chocolate can be just as heroic as their favourite mythological men.
Modern Languages Tutors – Matcha Flavoured Kitkat
Modern linguists have a taste for the obscure. Many of them have ventured far afield in search of adventure and have spent time abroad absorbing different cultures and educating themselves about the ways of the world outside of the UK. Standard chocolate therefore will not be enough for these worldly thrill-seekers. What they need is matcha flavoured Kitkats. A chocolate classic with a spin, your modern language tutor will be stunned by the incredible curveball you have thrown them, and grateful for the resulting matcha-flavoured thrill ride. Plus, these rarities are most commonly found in the Japanese supermarkets of London, so your tutor will be impressed with your engagement in international cultures to source the perfect present.
English Tutors – Quality Street
English tutors are the most dramatic of the bunch, what with all of the Shakespeare and Pinter they read. Some of them even have acting degrees. They therefore need to have a chocolate gift which accommodates for all of the various emotions they experience (on stage or otherwise) throughout the day. The best way to solve this is by buying them a selection box with a huge range of flavours: Quality Street. Feeling sad? The Strawberry Delight will cure that. Feeling happy? Best indulge in a Toffee Deluxe. Feeling angry? Take it out on an Orange Crunch. This gift would be perfection, even if we do say so ourselves.
Science Tutors – Spoiled for choice
Science tutors are very, very lucky. Just as the job market loves to favour STEM graduates (not bitter!), the chocolate industry seems to enjoy tailoring their chocolate bar brands to those with an interest in science. Aerospace Engineers can tuck into an Aero as they open their Christmas gifts. Astrophysicists can choose between a Mars bar or a Galaxy, depending on their specific expertise. The best way to a Biologist’s heart is to give them a chocolate treat which represents their interest in the functions of the human body, so you need to give them a bag of Chocolate Digestives. With so much to choose from, you’d have to try especially hard to let your Science tutor down!
So what do you think? Tutors – what do you want to see in your stocking this Christmas? Have we predicted your favourite chocolate correctly?

Blog Post Crafted by Madeleine
Madeleine helps Leticia run our Admin Team. Despite the fact that she read Japanese at university, Madeleine’s main passion in life is opera and she hopes to become the next Maria Callas some day...
Madeleine manages the staff on our Admin Team, liaising with tutors, clients and applicants. She is responsible for processing the ID, Qualifications, DBS Check and References for all our newly joining tutors.